Tomorrow (well, today legally, but tomorrow technically) is the Hindude's birthday. We're taking the day off from work and going up to Sonoma to check out some gardens (yes, he likes visiting gardens... don't you wish your boyfriend was a dork like mine?) and the itinerary includes:
- Luther Burbank Home and Gardens in Santa Rosa
- Cornerstone Art Gardens in Sonoma
On another note, I'm dating a 30-year-old and it's not even creepy. What have I DONE with my life?!
What have you done with your life? Hmm. Let's see...
1) Got a degree. 2) Got a great job. 3) Got a geek boyfriend (happy b-day, A!) 4) Got lots of silly friends. 5) Got a great place to live in MARIN! 5) HELLO—Got a BLOG! You suck, you tree-hugging too-hip-for-words under-thirty blue-eyed show-off!
I got a haircut, too, but you wouldn't know that yet... :-)
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