Not more cowbell.
Actually, I've been working hard at getting the cabin to be the sanctuary I know it can be. It's small, but actually very cozy. And not that craigslist-is-full-of-liars-this-place-is-a-hole-why-is-my-shower-door-butting-into-my-oven kind of cozy, but actually very comfortable with good energy and woah, who let Deepak Chopra and Oprah into my blog?
Apartment Therapy, one of my very favorite blogs, does an 8 week cure a couple of times a year. The cure breaks up getting your apartment or house in order in small, easy-to-swallow steps. It lets you focus on really turning where you live into your home. I didn't do it right after Christmas because really, I was beyond hope with the old apartment. But now I'm in and settled and ready and I've gone out to buy the book, and I'm in it to win it, baby!
I'll try to monitor my progress here in addition to on Apartment Therapy.
Oy. I am SOOO sorry you're sick. Also for not being a blamer. Suck those cold-eze things and sleep sleep sleep. ---sue
okay, that sentence did not compute. Thank you for not blaming ME for passing on my cold to you. If it helps, the bad part was less than five days. Now it's just residue. Hope you feel better soon!
I don't have a cold... I feel great!
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