HD is in San Jose helping a friend move (a friend I'm hoping will return the favor in a couple of months). He woke up early to head down there yesterday morning, and after I drank a pot of coffee, I got the wild idea to clean the cabin.
I feel like I'm sitting in a staged photo shoot right now for Elle Decor.
"Here's Sheri at home in her Girl-Scout-cabin-cum-pied-a-terre, enjoying a cup of coffee and composing a post for her cult* favorite blog."
I am really going to miss this place. I only moved in a year ago, and I've worked really hard to make it pretty and comfortable. I think I've pretty much succeeded. I wish I could keep it as a weekend retreat.
But, moving to the City will be fun, too.
*That cult is pretty much exclusively her dad, her aunt, and her best friend. Sheri is known to exaggerate wildly when her entire nutritional intake for the day thus far is coffee. She also starts writing in the third person.
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